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Devizes in Focus  Answers

1. Door to bell tower, St John's Church

2. Cupola, roof of former St Peter's school, from canal

3. Oddfellows war memorial, over Halifax, 5 Maryport Street

4. Devizes Bookshop, Sidmouth Street

5. Market Fountain, facing W H Smith

6. 23 High Street (between Shaw Trust and Expressions)

7. Lloyds Bank, Market Place, above door, right hand side

8. Lantern over St John's gate

9, Balconette, Lansdowne House, 11 Long Street

10. Balconette, Crown Centre, 39 High Street (from right)

11. St Mary's Church, north side, clerestory wall

12. Rain hopper to right of The Elm Tree, 1 Long St

13. Wiltshire Museum, 41 Long Street, left side of right hand door (near blue plaque)

14. Old School House, 45 Long Street

15. Kebab House, 2 Northgate Street, over front door, right hand side

16. Awdry, Bailey and Douglas, 33 St John's Street, over right hand door

17. Gatepost, Wadworh's Northgate entrance

18. Blind top window, St John's House/Obelisk Antiques, 15 High Street

19. Jubilee plaque on old hospital building, New Park Road

20. Hopper, Chancel End, St John's churchyard

21. The tale of Ruth Pierce, Market Cross

22. From 'Schumann', Handel House/Devizes Books, Sidmouth Street

23. Enamelled BP sign on garage, seen from Estcourt Crescent

24. Sussex Wharf, The Nursery

25. Window grille, 19 Monday Market Street

26. Lintel in St John's churchyard wall, to left of Tower Lee

27. Over St Andrew's church front door, 2nd and 3rd panels from left

28. Base of memorial on south chancel wall, St Mary's church

29. St John's House/Obelisk Antiques, 15 High Street, corbel on St John's Street side

30. Chapel bell, Devizes Cemetery

31. Over the door of the Pelican Inn, 9 Market Place

32. Lock 49 (Maton Lock), canal

33. On corner of Citizen's Advice Bureau building, adjoining Northgate car park

34. On right gatepost between Sandcliff and Northgate House (Wansbroughs), Northgate St

35. Pillar guard, 9 Long Street, entry to Long Street mews

36. Pillbox beside canal towpath, embrasure nearest gate

37. 2 God's Acre, St John's churchyard, pair of vents above middle window

38. Slot in Town Hall wall to left of Lock-up

39. Matilda, under dome on Santander/Boots building, St John's Street

40. Ma Cuisine/Jack's, 40 Market Place, first floor bay window above right

41. St John's Church, over Beauchamp Chapel window

42. Greystone House, 14 High Street, under left side of porch

43. Corn Exchange, over central entrance door

44. 76 New Park Street

45. Rooster outside the Hen House, 28 St John's Street

46. Tiles on upper front wall over West Electrical, 55 Northgate Street

47. Grave of Thomas Hassall, St James's churchyard, near the Crammer

48. Estcourt statue, Market Fountain

49. HSBC, St John's street side

50. Gates of Maryport Street Baptist Chapel

51. The Bear, lantern over restaurant entrance, from porch

52. Barford House, 35 St John's Street, over door

53. Literary and Scientific Institute (British School), 53 Northgate Street, left side

54. Wadworth's, over main visitor entrance, New Park Street

55. Crown Centre, 39 St John's Street, coach sign by door

56. Old Assize Court roof, left side, first two from front, Northgate Street

57. Gate to Quaker's Walk, end of New Park Road

58. Market Fountain, eagle with broken wing, facing brewery/NNE/to right of restoration plaque

59. Devizes Pyramid, Albion Place, Sidmouth Street

60. Wall ties on 44 New Park Street (Devizes Glass/Cristelle)

61. Gate at South door, St Mary's Church

62. 4 St John's Court

63. Bell ('Josephine') on Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, St Joseph's Place

64. Roof of Masonic Hall, Morris Lane

65. Left-hand flambeau on Palace Cinema, Market Place

66. Drinking fountain at junction of London Road and Brickley Lane

67. Old Town Lock-up, rear of Town Hall

68. Wharf, nr Wharf Treasures, third bollard from bridge 140

69. The Bear, restaurant entrance, left-hand banister

70. Fanlight, Gough's, 30 Market Place

71. Guilloche frieze over Poppy, 10 St John's Street

72. Old Assize Court, Northgate Street, second pillar from right

73. 66 New Park Street (New Park Dental)

74. Carrick, 36 Long Street

75. High Street entrance to Old Swan Yard

76. Side of Allen and Harris, 4 Northgate Street

77. Alley beside the Shambles, Little Brittox

78. The Coach House, 17 Market Place, left ball of pair (to right of main house), seen from south

79. Mass dial on south wall of St John's Church, to right of door

80. Wadworth's weathervane

81. Masonic Lodge, Morris Lane, upper hinge of front door

82. 28 Sidmouth Street (was J'Aime), next door to Travelwise

83. 52 Church Walk, right gate

84. Niche above St John's north door

85. Cemetery, tomb of the Giddings Family

86. Black Swan Inn, left side

87. Friends Burial Ground gate, Hillworth Park

88. Salem Chapel/Rock Community Church, New Park Street

89. Archway House/Old Glove Factory, Bridewell Street

90. St Mary's Assembly Rooms/old United Reformed Church, 19/20 Northgate Street

91. 1 Park Villas, New Park Road, on right-hand side over bay window

92. Hillworth House, west wing conservatory, from park

93. The Elm Tree/Elm Tree Antiques, 1 Long Street

94. 1 St John's Court

95. Front door, The Grange, 12 Bridewell Street

96. Basement door, Hillworth Park pavilion

97. Gable of Great Porch House, Monday Market Street

98. Over Joan Pressley Hats, St John's Alley

99. Bollard at top of footpath from Bath Road to Dunkirk Hill, opposite Black Horse/Caen Hill House

100. St Mary's Churchyard, near Commercial Road


Congratulations to the following who recorded 'perfect' answers and whose names were entered into the draw for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes:


Lisa Beatson, Devizes (2nd prize)

Judith Caldwell, West Lavington (3rd prize)

Gordon and Christine Coutts, Corsham

John Cox, West Lavington

Ann King and Cynthia Crocker, Devizes (1st prize)

Jenny Fruen, Devizes

Lesley Hunt, Bradford on Avon

Katherine Marsh, Devizes

Pippa Thomas, Devizes






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